Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Special Pretty Kitty

Today I want to share a card that I made for our Veterinarian and Staff... mostly staff actually since we saw them three times a week for the last month and a half.  Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Suzi as she had stopped eating and drinking.  It was time.

I chose this Pretty Kitty in the pot, because frankly I love coloring that pot with my Chameleon Pens... and Suzi always like hiding in boxes, bags, bowls, etc., so this was perfect.

Very Vanilla - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Crumb Cake - 5 1/4" x 4"
Coffee Break DSP - 5 1/4" x 2 1/2" (I think...) it's sealed up in an envelope to go to the Dr. tomorrow so I can't measure it now.
Crumb Cake 3/8" Classic Weave Ribbon 

Inside stamp - One Big Meaning

Thank you for looking in today and especially thank you for all of you that lifted us up in prayer as we were able to spend an additional month and a half with Suzi.  We we very happy she didn't really indicate that she didn't feel good until this week on Wednesday.  

~ Donna


  1. So sorry to hear about Suzi, it is never easy to say good-bye to our furry kids, hugs.

    1. Thank you Mary. I know you understand. Hugs!

  2. Your vet and staff will be so touched at your wonderful card. Sometimes they have such a thankless job. This will warm their hearts as it seems just perfect for them. Thank you for letting me know about Suzi. It is just so hard. Hugs to you and your family as well as the rest of your furry kids.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  3. So sorry that you had to say goodbye to your kitty. Our furry friends are such a part of the family, hugs & comfort to you
    In California

    1. Thank you Caroline for taking the time to write. They are just like little furry children - but don't argue so much... sometimes.


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