Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Colorful Seasons Swap Card

I wanted to share one of the swap cards from our Team Meeting last month.  This one was made by Jennie.  Doesn't it just make you want to head for the beach and just breathe in the fresh ocean air?

Jennie used the bundle from page 147 in our new 2017 Annual Catalog with Colorful Seasons Stamp Set and Seasonal Layers Thinlits.

I just love the bright new in-colors.  Tranquil Tide, Berry Blast and Lemon Lime Twist.

I'm sorry I don't have more to share, but when we came home from the Vet with Suzi today (she's still doing normal things, just need her to eat more that a few bites at a time), but when we came home in 111 degree temperatures, we found our Air Conditioning wasn't.

Turned out to be a couple of fuses and our A/C guy was here in a couple of hours.  God bless that man, he has a HOT HOT HOT job in Arizona!

Thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Glad she is ok and that the air conditioner was ok. I like the card. Got a run.

    Chris r. From Iowa


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