Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sunshine in my Pocket (s)

The plan was to set this up to post at midnight, like normal, but after coming home from our weSTAMP Team Meeting last night, I spent time with Moki, who was actually nibbling on some treats!  Yayyyyy!  I didn't want to get up from where I sat and spook her away, so this is coming to you a little late.

Additional news, she ate her normal amount this morning at breakfast, so I am so thankful for answered prayer.  I just keep thanking God for her having an appetite and actually eating again.

Now... on to the card that I shared as my swap last night.  The really FUNNY thing is, our Make and Take provided by Lorri was so similar that we had to laugh.  Her card was done a bit differently (I'll post it tomorrow as I don't have a copy of it on here at the moment).  Great minds!

Is this CUTE or what???  I saw it on Pinterest, but couldn't for the life of me find out who made it.  Sure there were lots of pocket cards on there, but this one was distinct with legs being cut out to look like real jeans!

The back pocket is just stamped on instead of being a real pocket like on the front.  The back pocket would be the perfect place to put your "made by" stamp!

Dapper Denim - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4".  Then just cut a small wedge out of the folded side at the bottom.
Basic Black - 8 1/2" x 1/2"
Daffodil Delight - scraps for glasses
Real Red - for little tag
Stamps:  Pocket Full of Sunshine
Rhinestones for the grommets.

Thank you for looking in today.  Sorry this is late, but had to enjoy Moki eating last night.  Pray she keeps eating.  I think she's getting back to being herself, thankfully!

Happy Tuesday!

~ Donna


  1. Not only is there legs but a belt even! How cute is that? Look at your "rivets" and the little red tag on the side of the pocket just like the real thing! Such attention to detail. Great job. Sounds like you and Lorri brought new meaning to great minds think alike!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    P.S. Great news about Moki!

    1. Lorri's didn't have "legs" but she's thinking of mixing the best of our two versions together. She actually made the room gasp when showing how she did her version. She took the Dapper Denim ink pad and gently wiped it across the Denim paper and then (here was the gasp) she took a Whisper White craft ink and gently wiped it over the BLUE! Obviously she has a separate Whisper White for clean inking, but to "dirty" the old pad with ink made several girls pass out! LOL - just kidding, but there was some shocked faces!

      Even better about Moki, she jumped up on my lap for some snuggle time last night watching t.v. and that tells me she's getting back to being herself. Mind you, they are short visits, but that's normal for her!

  2. Wonderful to hear about Moki! I can just hear the gasps from the people when Lorri used the white ink. I have some denim paper I bought at a yard sale a few years ago. It would be perfect for these pockets. I gave one pack to a friend who was doing a western theme for a bible school thing but I am sure I kept one. I think that was the only bargain I have ever had at a yard sale. I do not have any luck at them.


    1. I think you have to be first at a yard sale to get the good bargains, or hope that what you want doesn't sale and hit them up at the end of they day when they just want to get rid of stuff!

      Denim paper would be perfect for this!


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