Saturday, June 10, 2017

This Little Piggy says Hello!

These little piggy's just want to say "Hello" and they are doing it in the most fun way they can.  

Perfect Plum - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Rose Red - 5 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White - 4 7/8" x 3 5/8"
Powder Pink - for stamping Pigs
Sky Blue for clouds

The flower stem is from the Hostess Set - Tranquil Tulips.  I used the Balloon Punch for the Balloon and the "hello" comes from Thoughtful Banners.

Thank you for looking in today.  I think it's going to be a hard weekend.  Suzi is losing weight and eating less.  I feel we're getting close to making that horrible decision pet parents have to make.  Please send me prayers for strength. 

~ Donna


  1. Very cute card.

    Lots of prayers coming your way -it is such a hard decision to make. I hope I don't have to do that again. I hope your vet is very compassionate and helps you make the right decision at the right time. Ours did.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Thank you Chris. We love all three of the Vet's at our Animal Hospital. There are four there, but we've not met the last one yet, she's new. They are all very compassionate and wise. How they keep from crying all over the place is beyond me.

    Suzi is still eating, just very little, but mind you, we're spoiling her with amazing choices (LOL), so I'm hopeful to not have to decide yet.

  3. So sorry you are having to make a sad decision about your pet! Your card is just way too cute! Thanks for sharing the card info. I'll keep you in my prayers. GlendaJ

    1. Thank you Glenda! I appreciate the prayers. No decisions had to be made yet, thankfully. She has lost another pound which scares me, but she ate a little better this weekend and still doesn't act sick, so I'm just putting her in God's hands and doing what we can to fatten her back up! :)


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