Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pet Sympathy

Remember my "work daughter" Brittney who recently found out her Mom passed away?  Well, the day she found out about that, she was actually going to have to put her sweet dog Maggie down after years of fighting allergies and health issues.  With her Mom passing, she just couldn't manage it, but when she returned home, her dog had become even worse and they had to take her in.

Crumb Cake - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Chocolate Chip - 5 1/4" x 4"
Crumb Cake - 5 1/8" x 3 7/8" (although now I wish I'd done it at 5" x 3 3/4" to show better) embossed with Polka Dot Basics

Sweetheart Punch (retired, now that I look - but could use hearts from Sweet & Sassy Framelits)
1/2" circle punch

Thank you for looking in today.

~ Donna

Here's Miss Maggie, one of the times we were Doggie Sitting.  Rest in Peace Sweet Maggie!

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  1. Sweet and special card. We were looking at some old photos and I enjoyed seeing my Maggie again. It made us sort of sad but then Ted came to see what we were doing and flipped over for a belly rub that made us laugh. I feel so sorry for your "work daughter" with both deaths to deal with - both very separate but each so very special to her. Thanks Donna for taking care of her....

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris. It's always so hard to make this kind of card, but making the paw print is always my go-to design because it is what I have available. I wish we had a good Pet Sympathy set that would stick around and not go away. We've had some in the past, but they retire and I should just keep them.

      I'm glad that Ted was able to break the tension and make you laugh. They always seem to know when we need it!


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