Wednesday, July 5, 2017

You Want How MANY?

If someone asks you to make 50 cards, think very carefully about saying yes... LOL

Actually, it's not so bad and I wouldn't have even considered saying no for this one.  My sweet "almost a daughter" Brittney called the other day from Texas as she's preparing for her Mother's funeral and asked if I could make 50 Thank You cards that they could use to send out after the services to those who helped out during this rough week.

She wanted "to start" with 50.... ack!  ha ha... I'll make however many she needs.  I'll show you the finished card once I have it completed with the inside verse and finishing touches.

Above is watercolor paper waiting to be stamped, powdered and heat embossed.  It's a lot of steps, but it was really what I wanted to make for her.  The only request was to use purple.  I decided on Wisteria Wonder.

Below are ready to be painted / colored.

What is it that first got you excited about using Embossing Powder?  For me, it was seeing that dry dingy powder turn before my very eyes into shiny beautiful lines.

THIS Misti has made this job bearable.  BIG thanks to Patti I. for giving this to me a while ago.  As I started to make the card, I realized I never bought the big giant clear block and I needed it for this stamp.  Suddenly it occurred to me... MISTI!  This has been the best tool to make this stamping step easier and consistently perfect.

Ok, so here's a sneak peek at a layer of card.  They will all look different depending on how the water and ink blend and move over the paper.

Okay, off to bed I go (it's 11 p.m. Tuesday) and after having the last four days off, not sleeping in is going to be tough.

Happy Hump Day!

~ Donna


  1. Very pretty thank you cards! I bet that Misti thing works wonders for this purpose. I have seen them in action but never used one. I bet the fun of watching the embossing powder turn wears off quickly! Brittney will love these.

    Yes, it was hard getting up early today after sleeping in all those days. Mike had even taken off Friday too so he had 5 days. Of course, I get up first with Teddy and then make sure Mike stays up! We have another hot muggy day ahead.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Actually, I still enjoy watching the powder change. It just fascinates me. LOL The Misti is a wonderful tool. Most of my stamps are wood mount because I like them best - next to the Photopolymer that is, so I can't use them on my Misti, but for this it was perfect!

      I actually managed to get up pretty easily this morning. I was quite surprised actually. Going to be a scorcher here today. Under a heat advisory beginning at 10 a.m. Ugh!


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