Friday, August 11, 2017

Carols of Chrismas

Don't miss out on the chance to get an early start on your Christmas Cards!  I know, where I am - in Phoenix - it is still 110 degrees outside - kind of hard to think about Christmas in these temperatures, but what better way to cool off.  Have some friends over, serve up some snow cones and ice cream and everyone will be nice and cool and ready to get started!

Click on the image below to shop now in my store or you can click HERE as well.


Check out the video below.  If you don't see a video and you are reading this in your email, then go directly to my blog to see it.  Some email programs won't show the video directly.

Thank you for stopping in today.  Sorry I don't have a project to show you of my own, but if I show you what I'm working on, it won't be a surprise for my stampers on Saturday!  :)

Happy Friday!

~ Donna

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