Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse 2017 - A Big Event!

You knew this would be out here today... right?  I don't know if any others have done anything with this yet, but I'm sure there are or will be.  This is such a big deal, I'm even taking the day off work to enjoy it completely, or as completely as we can get here in Phoenix, Arizona.  Regardless, it will be fun.  We have our safe glasses and we're ready!

We will only have about 70% coverage here, but that will still be very cool.  Have you seen the crowds gathering in the direct path of the total eclipse?  Oh My Goodness, that is just crazy!  Looks like fun though, but I'm glad we can just enjoy it from home.

Night of Navy - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Daffodil Delight - 3/4" circle punch
Basic Black - 3/4" circle punch

Stamps:  Labeler Alphabet 
Ink:  Whisper White and Basic Black

To make the "glow" behind the moon, I punched out a 3/4" circle and held it in place where I wanted it.  Then using an eye shadow sponge I gently sponged the little bits off the circle and onto the Night of Navy.  Then I punched out a fresh Basic Black and glued it down.

Thank you for looking in today.  Be sure you have safety glasses on if you check out the eclipse!  

~ Donna


  1. This is fun! I have not seen any other eclipse cards yet but I think there is another in my inbox from the title. This is perfect. Since you are making a day out of it, is there a party too? This would have made a great invite! Well done. I didn't get the approved safety glasses. We also have a much needed rain so it is pretty cloudy here. So, I will watch it on TV while we eat our lunch (Ted and I). Maybe I will get a Milky Way candy bar or some Sun chips (some play on the theme anyway) while I am out doing errands.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I still haven't made it through my inbox, so I don't know if there are others, but that is next on my "to do" list. For taking the day off, it's been a very busy day, but a fun one.

      There was no party, but we went out to breakfast, which was weird for a weekday to us, then home to watch the eclipse in the front yard as well as online and on the t.v., then to the vet for a follow up for Nike who was scratched last Friday night on the eye, by the outdoor cat! It's healing well and we're pleased with that.

      We ordered pizza for dinner (when the MOON hit's your eye, like a big pizza pie) and a chocolate chip cookie dessert - it looks like the moon because it comes in a circle and the chips look like craters. LOL


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