Monday, August 14, 2017

Kathy's Workshop - Variations in Cards

I promised I'd get some pictures posted.  Saturday night's storm was quite unexpected and when we heard that thunder boom and saw the lightning so close, I just knew I had to get the computer signed off!

Here are the sweet ladies that joined me on Saturday for a stamping workshop.  We even had a new stamper (and a young one with this group!) who is a Senior in High School this year.  It was fun to see her creativity!

The cards we made were recently on my blog and I think were a big success.  It was fun to see the variations they all came up with for the Watts of Occasions card.  You can see them all below.  I'm going to have to start putting their names with their cards when I take the picture, or make them hold them up as I take the pics!  

I think this was Mary's:

 This one, I believe, is Mary Ann's.  

 Is this a great smile or what??  She came all the way from Nevada to join us and does so regularly!

This one chose to put the sentiment and the bulb on the piece of watercolor paper I gave them.  Some cut the bulbs out, some didn't.  They don't love to fussy cut as much as I do!  ha ha!

This is Patty's.  I recognize her fingers!  

I know this one is Claire's because she used the bigger sentiment and put it on the slant.  Great Job! This was our teenager!  She really gave our little group some life and was just so enjoyable to be around!

I think this is Mary again (because that's my little basket in the corner of the

Didn't they do a great job?  A fun party as always and Kathy was able to pick out so many freebies and a half price item.  Great party for all of us!

Thank you for looking in today ~ 

Happy Monday???  



  1. Looks like fun and I like the cards! Next month is my turn to host our card making group - I hope I get something good at least!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. That will be great fun for you! I hope you get something good too! Do you get to choose your hostess stamps? Good Luck on getting just what you want.


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