Sunday, September 10, 2017

Peace on Earth

As I typed the title for this post, I stopped and thought.  Then, it hit me.  Peace. On. Earth.  We always think of this at Christmas, but think about it.  Think about what the world is going through these days and Peace on Earth takes on an entire different meaning.  

We have wildfires and hurricanes wiping out homes and lives.  We have terrorists and threats of wars and fighting and we have issues within our own country (the United States) with racial issues, immigration issues and more ugliness than can be mentioned.

We need Peace on Earth.  We need to pray for Peace on Earth.  We need to pray for each other.

So, with that said (along with a prayer) let us get on to the card I'm sharing today.  

This card was one of the cards from our August Swap cards.  This was made by Tami Twitchell and I think it is really pretty.  I have to admit, with Phoenix, Arizona temperatures still hovering around 100 degrees, it is really hard to think about making Christmas Cards, but Christmas will be here before we know it!

I love the inside of this card how she's "marbled" the cardstock with the Marbled Background Stamp.  This stamp doesn't look like much in the catalog, but add some color to it and it is beautiful!

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a Blessed Sunday and remember to.... Pray for Peace on Earth.

~ Donna

You can find everything you need to make this card by clicking on any of the items below:

Product List


  1. Amen.

    Love the card. The icy cool colors should help with the weather and temps. Love the inside. That marble stamp looks so fun on there. Totally unexpected but cool. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Chris R. From Iowa

    1. The marble stamp was unexpected for sure. It sure does look nice though. I still need to get it for my collection, because I've seen so many great things done with it.

      Amen is right! Thank you!


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