Monday, September 4, 2017

Quilted Christmas Suite

Apparently, Labor Day Weekend, means Lazy Days Weekend for this girl.  I haven't accomplished a single thing I planned on Saturday or Sunday.  Hopefully today will be more constructive.

SO, on that note, I'm going to share another video with you.  I have just received this set myself and I'm anxious to play with it, so let's enjoy today's video - Quilted Christmas Suite.  << Click there if you don't see the video in your email feed.

If you are on my blog, you should see it easily below.

Happy Labor Day Friends!

~ Donna


  1. I have the paper on order and will get the bundle next month hopefully. I have seen some wonderful cards made for year round with this set.

    I haven't done much at all this long weekend.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Oh good, glad I'm not the only one being lazy! LOL Time to hop to it!


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