Saturday, September 30, 2017

Seasonal Chums Lolli's

On Saturday, I'm going to be helping a bunch of people make some Christmas Cards!  Patty who is one of my customers loves making cards with different groups for church and other charity organizations.  So tomorrow, SHE is in charge and has done all (or most) of the prep work with her sister and I get to be the helper!

Since they are making Christmas Cards, I decided to make some little Christmas treats for them.  Here is the cute snowman from Seasonal Chums.  I recently bought a bag of those basic little flat suckers we used to love as kids, so I thought this would be a good use for some for some of them.

Aren't they cute?  I tried a couple of them with Smoky Slate for the hat, but it just didn't look right, so the rest of them are Basic Black.  The hatband stands out better with the Slate, but the Black seems to be more traditional.

Have a wonderful Saturday and thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna


  1. These are really cute! I never even really thought about a different color for his hat - I just think of black. I just noticed the little bird on the hat. How cute. These will help promote the festive mood of making Christmas cards. Have fun being the helper!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. LOL on the Bird. One of the guys at work was giving me a hard time about "why is there a bird on his hat?" and "why is there a bunny there?" Men! ha ha ha I sassed him back (which I normally don't do) and I think I shocked him. He ended up blushing so back it was worth the time! I'll have to remember how to sass!


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