Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Holiday Catalog is Live!

The time is finally here!  The 2017 Holiday Catalog is available now.  If you haven't received one in the mail, please contact me and I will be happy to send one to you right away!

Until then, you can see the catalog online at the link below:

Enjoy the video below to check out just one of the great kits in this catalog.  Now, I will admit, I didn't think much of it when I saw it in the book, but we saw this in person at our team meeting last week and my mind was completely changed.  This set is really very adorable!

If you are seeing this in an email, you will want to go directly to my blog to see the video as some formats don't support the video from the email.

Thank you for looking in today.  I promise to have something to show you tomorrow that I've made.  The last couple of days were filled with a lot of things that needed attention.  

Happy Saturday!

~ Donna


  1. The videos really help showcase some of the catalog stuff that gets lost on the page. I plan on getting this kit and the stamp set but of course I will use them as a stepping off point on some cards! Enjoy your long weekend.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. The videos really do help. Seeing them in person is even better. I look forward to seeing what you come up with as a stepping off point!

      You enjoy your long weekend too. I'm hoping for some crafting time!


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