Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October Paper Pumpkin - Spoiler Alert!

I can't believe my Paper Pumpkin arrived so quickly this month!  It's only the 17th and they ship on the 15th!  This is awesome.  It gave me a perfect project for today since I didn't have the chance to come up with my own thing to make.  It was a weird day on Tuesday (yesterday to you), so this was a life saver!

Okay, I've rambled enough, so if you don't want to see the project cards, then stop now!  Actually these were so SO easy!

Everything you need is inside the kit.  The only things extra I used was a bone folder to put a nice crease in the card and a clear block for the stamps.  Everything else is in the box!

The trees and pine branch are pre printed and looks so nice on both cards.  I don't think I can choose a favorite! 

THIS - below - is what happens when the ceiling fan decides to take out the cards and play dominoes with them.  I thought it was funny, so I thought I would share!  Right after snapping the picture the lone card fell down too!

Thank you for looking in today.  It's Hump Day!

~ Donna


  1. Thanks for the smile about the fan and the cards. I actually received mine on Monday I think. It seems longer ago though. I will make a couple the way they are intended but will watch for some alternatives too. I don't want to waste all the fun plaid on the back of the cards so might have to cut them apart at least! I might figure out a base for the one with the trees so it looks like a snow globe standing on a base. I love the idea of the one hanging from the branch as an ornament. I wonder what will be next month - a treat holder to match? Fun that we also have the DSP to match too, well that is when I order it. I like that pack as I can use it for other things with the stripe or the polka dot and not just Christmas. Besides, I have 2 Old Olive ink refills for some reason so I can stamp until the end of time!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris. Glad I gave you a laugh on the fan! I always say I'm going to do alternate things with them and then I never do. I'm thinking, with all the boxes I have stacked up at home that I'm going to bag them individually with what is left of the kits, stamps and inks and give them as prizes or put them in a yard sale. I simply have to downsize my stash!


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