Saturday, November 4, 2017

Oh Rats!

When I saw this on Brian King's blog this week, I just KNEW it was going to be CASE'd by me, and I bet a lot  more people as well.  I even told him so in the comments!

So, to follow through, here is my version.

I see you thinking... rats?  I don't remember any thinlits dies that say "rats"!  You would be right and wrong... because you probably have seen it hidden inside another word.  Take a look - do you see it?

Cong/rats you found it!

What a great idea!  I see other words in there you can use as well.

So I did two versions,  this one, with sentiments inside and out ...

Pumpkin Pie - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Spooky Night DSP - 5 1/4" x 4"
Pumpkin Pie (above card) - 2 7/8" x 2 3/8"
Pumpkin Pie Strip - 4" x 1"
Very Vanilla (above card) - 2 3/4" x 2 1/4"

Stamps:  Here For You
Ink:  Pumpkin Pie
Thinlits - Sunshine Wishes

Then this one with all the sentiments on the outside. 

Pumpkin Pie - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Spooky Night DSP - 5 1/4" x 4"
Pumpkin Pie (card below) - 4" x 3"
Very Vanilla (card below) - 3 3/4" x 2 3/4"
Pumpkin Pie 1/4" Stitched-Edge Ribbon

When was the last time you showed some love to your ink pads with some re-inkers?  I noticed when making these cards that my Pumpkin Pie pad needed some love.  Take a look at the difference  the top one is a bit light and doesn't show very well.

This one above under the first one is with a nice juicy ink pad.  Check out your pads soon before you get those Christmas Cards going and find out you need a re-inker to juice them up!

Thank you for looking in today and thank you to Brian King for such a fun idea!

~ Donna

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1 comment:

  1. I saw Brian's post. We laughed about it later in the week as I was a bit late getting my swap card to him. I bribed him with some chocolate though and all was forgiven. I hope my card turned out as cute as I thought it seemed to be but then again I was so tired and frustrated by then I just wanted to get it in the mail to him.

    Your card cracked me up as to the timing too about the pumpkin pie reinker. I was all set to make the Halloween cards to send overseas several months ago and had to substitute the tango one which worked. But, did I order the reinker then, nope just kept putting it down on my wish/order list. So, when I went to make my cards, I still didn't have it but I ordered it and have it now. My pad was a lot lighter than yours! I like the ribbon on the card too. Great job. I think I like the later of the sentiment on the inside better but it is a toss up. Either makes me smile and can help make a bad situation a bit better.

    Chris R. from Iowa


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