Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Petal Palette Spring

Spring was in the air around here lately with the peacocks across the street making their spring time song.  It sounds like, well, until you've heard it, I can't even explain it!  It's quite a ruckus.

Monday however it was COLD here - at least by Phoenix standards - and windy!  Oh my goodness the wind was crazy cold.

Whisper White Thick card stock - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Pear Pizzazz - 5 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White (not thick) - 5 1/8" x 3 7/8"

Stamps:  Petal Palette
Ink:  Pear Pizzazz, Sweet Sugarplum and Memento Black
Stampin' Blends:  Light Pumpkin Pie

I really love how the Pear Pizzazz and Sweet Sugarplum go together. 

Thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna

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  1. I am so jealous of you and these beautiful springy cards. We are having another gray day but today is worse with ice covering everything and the wind is picking up. The streets that were pretreated are pretty much ok but the sidewalks etc forget it! No school. The sand truck went by for more traction. What is weird, thunder! Even weirder is that I saw a robin yesterday! Anyway, love your cute cards.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Well, it was a gloomy gray day here yesterday, so my suggestion is for you to make pretty springy cards and bring some color back in to your world! :)

      We're only supposed to have a high of about 54 today. That's COLD for us. It was 40 when I left the house this morning. Brrrr... :)

  2. Love this card, looks like one that I will have to order. You do such a wonderful job on your cards. All I know is I always think I have my mind made up what I want, there is always something you make which changes my mine.....ha-ha

    1. Oh good, then I'm doing my job right, making you want something you didn't know you wanted! :) Yayyy!!

      Thank you for your sweet comment. I do enjoy creating cards and ideas.


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