Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter Poppers with a Real "Pop"

You've probably seen these fun poppers all over the place, I know I have and I've finally taken the time to make some.  They really are easy to make.  You'll notice two of them in the picture below looks like I forgot to remove something, but that's the POP part!  Click HERE to see where to purchase them.

 Let's Begin:

Start with any Designer Series Paper 6" x 4 1/2" then with the 4 1/2" side at the top of your Simply Scored, score at 1", 2", 3" and 4".

Use your bone folder and make nice crisp folds on each of the score lines.

The key to making this work is to punch, flip, punch.  Go to the next fold and punch, flip and punch.  The punching is done with the Envelope Punch Board.  Item #133774 on page 204 of the current Annual Catalog.

In the picture below you see the first punch is made by lining up the LEFT EDGE with the ONE INCH mark and punch.  (Ignore the vertical score lines you see below, they should all be horizontal!)

Flip the paper over, shown below, line up with the one inch mark again and punch.

Do this on each of the score lines and on the end of the one inch edge that has no fold.  You'll see why when you fold it together to seal.

Using Tear & Tape, place a strip on the open end where you just put the last punches.

Remove the backing and then folding the 1/2" edge in, line it up with the adhesive end.

Gently squeeze in the end and tie it up with matching ribbon.

Fill with your favorite treat and tie up the other end.  It holds five Hershey's Milk Chocolate Eggs perfectly. 

Now for the poppers.  Simply slide them in to the other end.  You can also put them in first and then add the candy.  I left my ends long on the poppers so people could grab them easily, but I think they look better trimmed.  

This is what teh Poppers look like.  Actually, I keep calling them Poppers, but they are really called Crackers.  

Here's a shoebox full of poppers for friends at work.  There were a lot of people missing at the office today, so I didn't need too many.  It was fun to see the surprise on their face!

Thank you for looking in today.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Think how much fun these will be for other seasons as well.  Especially the 4th of July!  I can hardly wait!  Well, yes, I can, it's too hot in July in Arizona!

Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Easter.  

~ Donna


  1. These things are fun to make though I have never added the snap or pop part. It is a great way to get rid of some DSP - esp Halloween DSP. My arm/shoulder sure was tired after making dozens of them but they are addicting! Also, a great way of using up small bits of ribbons and twines. Your little bunnies are so cute! I bet those who were in your office enjoyed them.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thanks Chris. I was trying not to admit to the tired arms / shoulders thing. LOL Everyone seemed to like them. The bunnies were very fun. I stamped them and then cut them out using my Scan N' Cut. It is so much easier to cut things out with that thing!


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