Thursday, April 5, 2018

Never Give Up

Even though this stamp set is called "Waterfront", there isn't a drop of water anywhere.  I guess I wasn't considering the name of the set when I made the card.  So, in a future card, there will be water!  This set has so many options that there are plenty of cards that can be made with this set.  Stay tuned for more!

I was actually going to use a different sentiment on the front but after the week I've had, this was the perfect sentiment to use.  I'll tell you more towards the end of this post.

For now, here's the recipe for this card:

Sahara Sand - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Daffodil Delight - 4 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Whisper White - 4 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Whisper White - 5 1/4" x 4" (inside)

Stamps:  Waterfront
Ink:  Soft Suede, Garden Green, So Saffron

I stamped off once for the grass and the first mountain I stamped (the middle one) then lighter and lighter for the side mountains.  The trees are stamped full strength.

The birds are not a stamp... I had an Ooops and had to hide the little bit of wandering ink.  Originally, the sun was going to cover it, but it really didn't cover anything!  Silly me!

Don't forget to decorate the inside!  Again, I stamped off once with the Garden Green for the grass and full Garden Green for the trees.

Okay, brief version of my crazy love filled week!  On Sunday, I had an email from someone that found my profile on Ancestry.  She was looking for her niece that was given up for adoption in the 50's.  Being cautious, I asked a couple of questions and she asked a couple as well.  Last email on Sunday was her asking me the year and she would confirm.  Monday morning before I left the driveway at home, I peeked to see if there was any new email and there was.  She gave me my birthday, hospital and town.  OMG!!!  Long story (and it's growing each day) short, she found her niece (ME) and I have a new family to learn about.  She is the half sister of my Mom.

I was adopted at birth by two wonderful loving people who wanted a daughter so badly that they tried and tried with no success.  They had a son, my brother, 11 years before I came along and went through several miscarriages along the way.  I always knew I was adopted, they told me what they knew about my birth mother, which was precious little, only that she was Italian.  I've always wondered if I look anything like her and now I know... OMG, I do!!!  There's no denying her as my birth mother.

The love part of this story comes from the love my newest family members have shown me.  The sad part of the story is that my birth Mom passed away 3 years ago.  The only good part about that is when my new Aunt was cleaning out Mom's place she and her daughter found a box with a note specifically for me and with mementos she'd been saving for me.  No one, as far as we can tell, knows that she ever had me or was even pregnant.  Times were very different back in the 50's.

So, that's my new story... I'm anxious to see the next chapter!

Thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna


  1. All I can think of is to say is WOW!!! What a whirlwind of a week you have had! This is so amazing! I agree times were very different back then. Does your "New" Aunt live close by or within driving distance?

    Chris R. from Iowa

    P.S. Great card and the sentiment is perfect

  2. So happy to hear about your new found family members!

  3. Thank you!!! The new family is in Maryland. Each day has been a new adventure in learning about my new instant family!


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