Monday, May 14, 2018

My Mother's Day

My Mother's Day started with an unexpected delivery to my front door!  These beautiful Tulips and a little (perfect size) box of Chocolates from my two boys.  Aren't they just gorgeous?  I do love tulips.  

Then in the evening we all met up at Billy and Danielle's house for dinner.  Billy is a fabulous cook.  We had grilled steak, grilled asparagus spears (OH YUM!!!) and baked sweet potato.  

Here are my boys.  I can't believe the years have gone so fast.  Robert (red shirt) is 32 and Billy is 36.  To me they should still be little kids running around the house.  Don't blink!  They grow before you know it.  I love you two!

Here I am with Billy and Danielle.  I'm so happy to have a daughter who is so sweet.  She is the perfect girl for Billy.  So glad they found each other!

I can't let Mother's Day pass without sharing my two lovely Mom's with you.  My Mom who waited for a little girl to adopt is on the left (with the glasses) and my Birth Mother who placed me for adoption because she knew it was the right thing to do.  I'm so grateful for both.  Mom, I love you and Miss You so much.  I trust you are both watching over me from Heaven.  Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for looking in today!  I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with your families.

~ Donna


  1. Pretty tulips. The Tulip Festival here was last week with tons of pretty tulips and still more this week due to the strange weather. Glad you had a good Mother's Day.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. The weather here has really thrown off the Saguaro cactus as well I think. They bloomed really early and have more blossoms than I've ever seen before. I'll have to try to get some pictures when the fully open and send them.


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