Monday, June 18, 2018

Missing In Action

Well, I'm not really missing, I know exactly where I am... working overtime at the office.  'Tis the Election Season in Arizona preparing for the August Primary.

So don't give up on me, I'll be back with more new things to share, just as soon as I can get home at a decent hour and make something.

If you haven't already signed up to receive my posts in your inbox, you should do that and then you will see when a new post is made.

I recently discovered that I wasn't receiving my notices, so I signed up again.  I like to know they are going out.  When I did, I now find that my notices are coming in at the same time that I signed up when before they came in at the moment they posted.

Technology, right? 

So, hang in there... I'll be back as soon as I can keep my eyes open long enough to create something fun!

~ Donna 

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