Wednesday, June 27, 2018

P.S. You're The Best

This is my fearless leader, Lorri Heiling's swap card from our team meeting this week.  Isn't it cute?  The stamp set is P.S. You're The Best on page 48 of the annual catalog.

The "file folder" is make using the Envelope Punch Board and a piece of Very Vanilla cardstock.  The typewriter is stamped onto Basic Black with either VersaMark or Craft White and sprinkled with White Embossing Powder and heat set with the Heat Tool.

Can you see the score lines at the fold?  I should have taken a better picture, but there are two extra score lines to make it look like a real file folder that can be folded along another score line to hold more stuff.

Inside she stamped again with stamps from the same set.

Great Job Lorri.  I may have to give in and get this stamp set after all!  So many possibilities with this one.

Thank you for looking in today!  Happy Hump Day. 

~ Donna

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  1. So cute. I have not made one of the file cards with the envelope punch board for a long time. I need to do that more often.

    I had to smile, I was making thank you notes for 2 of my customers. One had just ordered the daisy punch and the stamp set so I thought I would make her a card using them. I Googled the set and one came up that grabbed my attention. It was fun and easy to make. It used the light wood paper as the background and then the daisy was cut in half to make a double petaled half flower with an ornate center. Imagine my surprise when I saw you made it, Lorri! Both customers loved the cards by the way.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I haven't made a file card in ages either. I really need too make some. How cool that you found a card that Lorri made while you were searching for something.


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