Thursday, July 19, 2018

Arthritis and Old Age

I just wanted to check in and explain where I’ve been.  I wish I could say I was getting ready for the Alaska Cruise with my Stampin’ Up! friends, but that isn’t it.  Someday!

On Sunday night I twisted my hip as I was helping take out the trash. Just a little step to go down, maybe 3-4 inches, but it got me!

Monday was okay and Tuesday was tolerable until I stopped really fast and put my weight on the offending hip.  How I got to the car that night I have no idea, but I did and got home.

Tuesday night was filled with pain and tears, aspirin/Tylenol powders and muscle relaxers. Wednesday and Thursday I stayed home from the office and managed to keep up on work emails from my laptop but that was about it.  Crafting wasn’t an option nor was sitting at my desk so nothing to post for you.

Hoping to go to work Friday.  Hubby bought me a Hurrycane which does not help me hurry but I can at least walk with it without fear of my hip hurting and making me fall. I’ve been moving better this afternoon (Thursday), so I’m hopeful for tomorrow.

Wish me luck!



  1. Take care and rest up. Maybe some heat and gentle stretching eventually. It is no fun getting old. Take it easy.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris! It is getting better. Very gentle stretching seems to help that and just lots of rest.

  2. So sorry to hear. Hope you on the road to mending. Heat for 20 minutes, ice pack for 20 minutes, rest for the reminder 20 minutes...repeat as needed.

    1. Thank you Mary! Feeling better this evening, finally! Good advice on the heat and cold. The cold feels good as it's so hot in AZ! But, with the fan on I kind of like the heat too! haha

  3. I hope you recover quickly and can get back to what you enjoy (and work too I guess). Take care and rest! GlendaJ

    1. Thank you Glenda. My fingers are itching to sit at my desk and get inky! Work too, of course, because it's our busy time and I feel terrible not being there! It's just not like me to miss out. This left me with no choice though. :(


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