Wednesday, August 1, 2018

You Otter Be In Postcards

Ok, that title was terrible, but there it is anyway!  HA!

Here is the card I was going to share yesterday if there hadn't been a storm on Monday night.  I just love this little Otter.

Blackberry Bliss - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Share What You Love Designer Series Paper 3" x 4 " and 2 1/4" x 4"
Whisper White - 5 1/4" x 4 (inside)
Whisper White scraps for stamping and die cutting Otter
Black Berry Bliss scraps for die cutting scallop

Stamps:  Postcard Pals
Ink: Memento Black
Stampin' Blends:  Soft Suede Combo, Daffodil Delight Combo, Bermuda Bay Combo, Smoky Slate Combo, Old Olive Combo and Ivory

A little catch up on last nights' storm in the Phoenix area.  So many trees fell over - pretty normal because they don't get a deep watering and the roots stay so close to the surface, but this video below shows something I've never seen in my life and I've been in Arizona all 59+ years!

If you are reading this in your email, you'll want to go directly to the blog post to see the video.  

Watch this palm tree... it just snaps like a twig!

In case you need the link:  HERE

Thank you for looking in today.

~ Donna

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  1. The card is so darn cute!!! Coloring is so fun and great looking! I just ordered the soft suede combo blends today.

    The tree is amazing. I have not ever seen them snap like that but now that I think about it, there was a palm tree that looked like it had it's top cut off (when we lived in Houston) and I wonder if that was what happened. Anyway...glad you are safe and sound.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. In Houston, I can understand that, especially with the storms they had like last year. I have seen "topless" palms before, now that I think of it, I've just never seen it happen.

      Isn't the Otter just too cute! I'm going to be making more of those for sure.


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