Thursday, October 4, 2018

Washi Tape Christmas Tree Card

Don't you just love the way this "Merry" Thinlit looks?  Other words in the set are "Holidays", "Happy", and "Christmas"

Add a little Washi Tape inside too, but remember to put it onto the Very Vanilla BEFORE you adhere it to the card base.  This will assure that the Washi will stay attached.

Thank you for looking in today.  Two more days and the weekend will be here with a workshop at Sue's house.  I can hardly wait to see the girls again and have some crafty time together!

~ Donna


  1. I have done these with paper but I don't think I used any Washi Tape. Fun idea. I have Christmas Washi tape left from last year I think. Maybe I will make a few!

    Chris from Pella

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