Sunday, December 9, 2018

A Ballerina's Room

I couldn't wait to share the other treasure my Mom made.  The lady at the residence where she lived as well as my Aunt who found the letter about me and then found me, believe that she made this with me in mind.  I can't tell you how many things in this room are so accurate for my life growing up.

The room is 18" wide, 14" deep and 11" tall.  You should be able to click on a picture and have it open larger to see and then scroll through them all.

Pink was my color growing up, I still love pink actually.  I took ballet as a little girl, about the size of the little one on the right side of the room looking into the round mirror.  That dresser is exactly like one my Grandmother (my adoptive family) had with the round mirror.  Of course, it wasn't pink.  I currently have one very similar but with a square mirror.

As you look closer at the other pictures and a little in this one, you can see a pay window off to the left with pillows and adorable curtains.

There's teddy bears, I have always loved teddy bears and dolls and you can see a variety of dolls around the room.

There's a record player with little records and see the light in the ceiling as well as lamps around the room, I believe they are wired to work, we just have to figure out the wiring on the back of the box.

I just love the bed.  I always wanted one like that, but with a canopy over the top.  

I think the little girl looks so much like me.  She's got brown hair that appears to be curly and I have naturally curly hair, even without the perm I have most of the time.  

There's even a little dog, that's chewing on ballet shoes!  Bad Dog.  

I imagine the story here to be a little girl dreaming of being a ballerina and as she looks into the mirror, she see's the young woman she becomes on the other side of the room.  Since I'll probably not know the whole story behind it, I think I'll just keep the one I have in my head.  Maybe something will turn up with more details as time goes on.

Thank you for looking in today.  Have a Blessed Sunday.

~ Donna


  1. Oh Donna, this one is even more amazing in detail. I had to smile at the dog with the slipper. It was like she included just everything in the details and I bet it does light up. Wow, what a fun memento for you!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Thank you Chris. It is so fun to look at it. Currently it is safely tucked away until I find a cat safe place for it. I can't wait to see it light up.

  2. Hi Donna, what precious, creative keepsakes. Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Thank you Wendy! So nice of you to leave a comment. I sure enjoy hearing from viewers!

      Have a great week!


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