Friday, December 7, 2018

A Little Bragging... on my Mother

Earlier this week hubby and I took our trip up to northern Arizona where my birth Mother lived to see the miniatures she made and bring them home.  They were much bigger than I anticipated, so I was only able to bring a couple of them home for now.  Besides, the people at the residence seem to enjoy them.

This one lives under a dome, but I couldn't get good pictures with it on.

Look how adorable this is!  I realize as I type this that I should have put something in the picture to show size comparison.  I'll do that tomorrow and post a new picture.  The little chocolate egg with the chick inside is only a 1/2" tall!

There's little eggs for coloring with egg dye and even the little fizzy dye tablets and stickers.

Looks like a bite was taken out of that chocolate egg next to the cup of tea / coffee!

The other one I brought home is a box representing a young girls' bedroom.  It is done all in pink with a ballerina theme.  Everyone who saw it and now knows she had a daughter, believes she made it with me in mind.  I'll share that with you in a few days, or sooner!  

Thank you for looking in today and for letting me brag on my Momma.  I never had a chance to meet her, but I feel like there is a lot of her in me.

Happy Friday!



  1. Wow, Donna, what a blessing to be able to have them. Although, I'm sure you would have rather been able to meet her and watch her work. Special blessing on your Christmas. Brenda West

    1. Thank You Brenda! It would have been lovely to meet her and learn from her as well. My goodness, looking into miniatures, there's just so much out there! Thankfully I have her half sister - my new Aunt - to be in touch with and she fills in a lot of needed information.

      Blessings to you and yours for Christmas.

  2. Wow, these are fantastic! So much detail. Definitely a labor of love! I am so glad you have those treasures now but still sharing with others. Wonderful!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Thanks Chris. I'm really loving them. I have this feeling I may be trying to make something similar. It's calling to me!


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