Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Prayer Warriors Needed

Today I have a different post, but one that I feel very strongly about.  A fellow Stampin' Up! Demonstrator is going to be going through at 10 a.m. Arizona time today (Wednesday, December 18th).

This post is from a fellow Stampin' Up Demo and friend Angie Brown Heuser. I’m asking for family & friends to please lift her and her family up in your prayers!!! Thanks in advance!!!❤️🙏


Ok my awesome prayer warriors, I need you one more time! As many of you know I’ve been going thru 5 1/2 years of knee surgeries with no avail. Tomorrow morning I am going in for my final surgery, an Above Knee Amputation. As many of you know I am an active person and that I’ve been patient on my “recovery” but the pain, lack of range of motion, blood clots and my good side starting to have problems the decision seemed easy. I am grateful for my deep faith that God has got me and has been holding me through the past 3 months as this decision has come to fruition. This is to say though, it’s been a roller coaster ride of emotions. What I have come to realize, however, is that God has had this planned all along and He is using me in a way that I can find joy in this moment of my life. Please pray for me, pray hard. My surgery is scheduled for 10:00 AM tomorrow morning (the 19th) and my human nature, to worry, is trying to creep back into my heart. 

Thank you all for how much you have come to my aid in prayers! You are all so special to me!
May you all have a blessed Christmas! I will update when I am in the right place!
Much love!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank you all for your prayers.  Have a blessed day!

~ Donna


  1. Lots of prayers and well wishes heading west!

    Chris from Pella

  2. Praying for all involved. God knows what each one needs. So glad we can rely fully on Him.


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