Monday, January 14, 2019

Dogs Are Neighbors Too

On Sunday, we found out that last weekend the little dog next door decided to chase a cat across the street and although she didn't get hit by a car, she did run head on into the car.  I'm thinking probably a tire.  If we lived on a quiet street, it would be a different story, the car wouldn't have been going so fast and probably would have seen her running out.  

She is slowly improving, but apparently was pretty stunned by the whole thing and was having some seizures.  The family was even ready to have her put down a couple of days ago but the Vet told them that there was some improvement and convinced them to hold off.  Thankful for that Vet as she's getting better and even had a couple of snacks.

Her name is Honey and she's just the cutest little thing.  She's a Puggle (mix between a Pug and a Beagle) and she loves to come over to our house and visit Nike, our little dog who is a little Terrier mixed with an unknown number of things!  She also manages to clean up all the outdoor cat food, if they leave any behind!

So, Nike told me he wanted to share some of his treats with her.  He only likes these little Milk Bone's (shown below).  They are only an inch long.  Anything bigger and he tries to bury it the couch or under a towel.

Here's what I made for him to give to her.

Whisper White Oval - cut with Stitched Shapes (largest oval)
All My Love Designer Series Paper - 5" x 2" - cut with Banner Triple Punch

Stamps:  Bella and Friends, Itty Bitty Greetings
Ink:  Memento Black
Stampin' Blends:  Crumb Cake Combo, Soft Suede, Rich Razzleberry, Flirty Flamingo

I cut out two ovals and attached them together, mostly to hide the staples that closes the bag and the bleed through of the markers!  

Here are the little Milk Bones.  Aren't they cute?

Say a little prayer for Honey that she makes a full recovery.  They have 4 little kids next door that all love her so much and it would be a devastating blow for all of them, and for us, because she is such a sweetie!

Happy Monday!  Thank you for looking in.

~ Donna


  1. Ahhhh. I hope she can eat them in good health! I had to smile - Ted doesn't like the teeny tiny ones like these. He spits them out or doesn't even put them in his mouth. Bigger the better is his motto I guess. No wonder he is to lose weight. The poor guy has recovered from his surgery but ended up with a hematoma between his toes and had it aspirated. The vet got a needle full of blood and fluid. So, speed up to this week and it is back. It isn't bothering him as much as before but he sure doesn't want us to touch it. We had 8 inches of snow so we didn't take a walk yesterday or today so maybe that will help his paw. But, then he is crabby since he didn't get to go for a walk. Oh well, I will have to tell him about Honey and maybe that will make him behave!

    I am sure the family appreciate your generosity too in this cute treat and holder.

    Chris from Pella

    1. Timing was perfect coming home from work tonight as I pulled into our driveway at the same time as Honey's Grandpa, so I ran in the house and got the gift and caught him before he got back from the mailbox. Yay!

      He said Honey is doing well and he'll feel better when she drives them all crazy with barking again!

      Poor Ted. A hematoma can sure be annoying. Especially between his toes! LOL on the food size. Bigger dogs do prefer bigger snacks I suppose. Nike is only about 25 pounds and the same height as one of our cats, so he's not too big. I have no idea why he won't chew up chew sticks and things. It would sure save us on he dental issues if he would. :(

      Tell Ted that with 8 inches of snow, his little buddy would be very very cold. LOL

  2. He is back to his walks and a happy camper. More snow on the way. He was pretty upset when Mike went back to work yesterday - his first time since the surgery. But, he got over it once he saw that I was staying home. He worked from home for two weeks and he loved that (both Ted and Mike). Working in his jammies was great he said and he got so much done with little or no interruptions. He had PT in the afternoon. He was sore from that more than anything.

    Glad Honey is doing well.

    Chris from Pella


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