Monday, February 18, 2019

Just Fur You

Quick post as my computer is acting sluggish.

Today we go to the Vet for a follow up and bandage change for Nike, so I wanted to make a little something for those who help take care of him.

These are leftovers from the January Paper Pumpkin kit along with Happy Tails Bundle and Thoughtful Thanks.

I stamped the dog with Crushed Curry onto Crumb Cake, gave him a Call Me Clover collar, even though Nike wears a harness (it's still green) and filled the treat packs with Hershey Kisses and Dove Candies.

Thank you for looking in and for all the well wishes and thoughts for Nike.  

Happy Monday!  (and it is, because it is a holiday - no work!  Yayyy!)  Happy President's Day!

~ Donna


  1. Too cute. Seems you are doing well if you are creating such cute treat holders. I guess I was just a basket case but then Mike had his surgery just a few days after Ted's and had the whole sleep stuff going on. The vet and staff will love them! So glad you have today off too. We had gobs of snow again so I am not sure if I will venture out. Mike is off too today. Give Nike a little treat from Teddy. I showed him the computer and the treats but he wasn't enthused. He, at least, laid down in a ray of sun by the computer and is taking a nap. Hope the bandage change goes well. I was so surprised Ted didn't try to chew on his bandage thing.

    Chris from Pella

    1. The treat holders were from the January Paper Pumpkin, so that helped a lot. Plus I took advantage of time while Nike was with Mark last night.

      Been raining off and on here since about midnight and northern Arizona has had some big time snow! Even asking people to stay off the roads if they don't have to travel. We don't get that very often in Arizona.

      Nike didn't chew the bandage, but now that it is off, I'm afraid he's going to chew at the stitches. I may need to put a light gauze over it to keep him from bothering it!

  2. I thought Teddy would chew at the stitches but he didn't. He totally left his flank section alone but licks at the foot one but never chewed. Animals are amazing with healing.

    Chris from Pella

    1. So far so good here! They are amazing and handle it much better than we give them credit for.


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