Monday, May 6, 2019

Grad Hat Hooray!

I'm having so much fun making things for Meghan's graduation.  I just can't seem to stop!  I really must though now because, really, I've covered everything, a card, a gift and little owls.  LOL

First of all a big shout out to one of my team mates - Cindy Sheldon - who gave me one of the Sweet Treat Cups to make this since didn't have any to use.  Next shout out to Sarah Wills, Susan Itell and Julie Davison who were all part of this post where I found inspiration.  You can find written instructions there as well as a video by a non-Stampin' Up! person on how to make the tassel. 

Inside are Ghirardelli chocolates and some money rolled up like a diploma tied with her school colors - which in this case is Call Me Clover and Pineapple Punch.

I used Whisper White Thick Baker's Twine for the Tassel with Call Me Clover and Pineapple Punch 1/8" Grosgrain Ribbon to add color.

I doubled the square piece for the top of the hat.  I didn't see that in the directions, but the original picture sure looked like it was doubled.  Plus, extra strength can't hurt.  To attach the square, I used our Foam Adhesive strips as they are a little thicker and filled in the space nicely.

I attached the tassel with a large sticky glue dot and then added another circle of Basic Black to make it stronger.

Thank you for looking in today.  Here comes another Monday!

~ Donna


  1. I ordered a set of cups just in case I wanted to use them and then I wouldn't have them. I know, silly but I have seen some fun things made with them. Yours is fun as well and wow are you spoiling her! This is just the cutest!

    Chris from Pella

    1. I was hoping they would carry over to the new catalog, because they really are a nice size and very sturdy!


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