Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Paper Pumpkin - Shelli Style

Oh my goodness, this month's Paper Pumpkin is even prettier in person than it can ever be online.  I sure hope you signed up to receive it.  It is beautiful!

The cards are "note size" instead of standard size, so they are just perfect for sending a little note to a friend "just because".  I already have a couple of people in mind to send some of these.

Even the envelopes are beautiful and coordinate with the cards, inside and out.

I only had a chance to make up two of them so far, but I'm going to be making more, hopefully at lunch later today.  

Thank you for looking in today.  If you haven't signed up to receive Paper Pumpkin kits in your mail, what's stopping you?  You should check them out and see what you think.  Shop Here for Paper Pumpkin.

Happy Hump Day!

~ Donna


  1. I received my kit on Saturday and I love it! I have not made anything yet from it. I have seen so many great alternatives too. Maybe this afternoon I will make up one and write a little note to a friend I have not heard from for several months. The sentiments and fonts are so pretty too. I think I might make my friend the first card you showed as it is perfect!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Thank you Chris. These really are so pretty. The fonts are beautiful.


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