Monday, May 27, 2019

Swing Fold Card

So, I missed posting yesterday because, well, it was my birthday and I just was enjoying the day being lazy.  Today though, I made this card that I cased from a lovely SU Demo in the UK.  I loved it, watched her video twice, wrote down the measurements she gave in both inches and metric.  Bless her heart.  

Made the card, loved how it came out, decided to decorate one of our SU envelopes with the same Designer Series Paper, took pictures and went to slide the card into the envelope so they could stay together.  


Read the measurements again and then smacked myself upside the head.  I'm so mad at myself.  Maybe brain cells are starting to shrink after the birthday???

The base is 5 3/4" x 6 3/4" - knowing that it was going to be scored and folded to be a flip card, it did NOT occur to me that 5 3/4" was going to be TOO BIG!  Argh!!!

Isn't it pretty???  Even if it doesn't fit in our envelope, it is still beautiful.

I'm going to attempt to work on the measurements to fit into the 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" standard.  If you're good with measurements... go for it!  LOL

Thank you for looking in today!  Happy Memorial Day!

~ Donna


  1. Hope you had a great birthday. If you didn't get my card yet, it should be there tomorrow.

    Love this card. So fun and pretty. Maybe their envelopes are a bit different size than ours? I would love to make this card, gorgeous.

    Chris from Pella

    1. Thank you Chris! Your card arrived on Friday and it was wonderful! I supposed their envelopes could be a different size. I'm just mad at myself for not hearing the 5 3/4" instead of 5 1/2" - live and learn. :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Donna!!! This is such a pretty card and I hope you let us know when you figure out the measurements for the A2 envelopes. Thanks for all you share. Best Wishes for a terrific year! GlendaJ

    1. Thank you Glenda! I will be sure to share when I work it out. I actually have the measurements for the card base, I just need to work more with the DSP.

      Have a great week!


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