Monday, June 3, 2019

Dolly Steamboat Dinner Cruise

This is where we celebrated our 60th Birthday!  Mine was May 25th and Mark (my hubby) is June 4th.  So my kids set it up so we could all go on the Dolly Steamboat Dinner Cruise at Canyon Lake.  It was SO MUCH FUN!!  I can't wait to go and do it again.

(you should be able to click on the photo's to make them bigger)

Our Party Friends - Billy and Danielle, Chris and Brittney, Robert, Me and Mark, Jeff and Vicki

One of the first things we were introduced to is the Indian Princesses.  Much easier to see in real life.  The first Princess is standing very tall and straight and looks as though she has her arms folded in front of her.  She actually has a Bald Eagle next on the very top.  The nest has been there for the last fourteen years.  The little "Princess" is shy and is facing the other way.  

Next, and this is what I was looking for the whole time, were some Big Horn Sheep.  Honest they are in the picture below, I promise!

The farthest mountains in the distance is Four Peaks.  When facing them from an East / West view, the peaks are very distinct.  Beautiful Amethysts are hidden in them thar hills.

Good thing this rock is properly placed and solid.  Can you imagine that just rolling down chasing after the Coyote while he's looking for the Roadrunner?

More Big Horn Sheep.  The one on the left walked right on down that hill as if it was nothing at all.  

This cake was SO GOOD!  Thank you kids for bringing it.  The food on the dinner cruise was fabulous as well.  

Here now... I circled the Sheep so you can see them better.  There's probably more that I've not circled.  Those guys are hard to see until the move!

Thank you for looking in today and for putting up with these touristy pictures!  LOL

Happy Monday!

~ Donna


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Donna. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures. GlendaJ

    1. Thank you Glenda! It was such a good time! I can't wait to go back again!

  2. Looks like you had a good time! Amazing scenery. I could see the goats! Fun. I think you must have had an amazing birthday!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Chris, It was wonderful! I wanted to go back the very next day! Turning 60 wasn't so bad and yesterday was hubby's birthday and he survived as well! ha ha!


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