Thursday, June 6, 2019

Sharing Swaps

Since my evenings are dedicated to working on getting ready for this weekend's workshop, I thought I would share a couple of the swaps from our team meeting on Monday.  My apologies for the glare on them sometimes.  Since there are usually 20 or so of us swapping, instead of making 20 swaps, we only make 10 and then swap with 10 randomly selected others.  Since I don't get all of them to take home, I have to take pictures while I'm at the meeting, thus, the glare.

You all know how much I love these adorable cows!  Here is one made by Chris from our weSTAMP team with two of these cuties!

This one is from Marie who is on my Stamps Well With Others Team.  I just knew this was hers because her team name is the Daisy Stampers!  We both love the daisies.

Thank you for looking in today~  Happy Thursday!

~ Donna

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