Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Back on Your Feet - Flip Flap Card

I spotted a Flip Flap Card by Beth Rush (with different stamps and papers) and she had the best video explaining how to make it.  I could do a photo tutorial, but really Beth's video is a must see!

Here's what I came up with.  I think I need some adjustments, but it's pretty cute for a first try!

Thank you for looking in today and thank you to Beth for teaching me something new and FUN!

Happy Hump Day!  Guess this turtle is on the wrong side of his hump!

~ Donna

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  1. Ah so cute. I had seen the video before and made one of the cards I think. I read the comments on her blog with the video and viola there was my comment. I had made a tool card but stupid me was thrilled with it and stuck it in the mail and no photo of it.

    Your turtle get well card is perfect for this! Love the background paper. Just really a great card. Who wouldn't feel better receiving this? Well done!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Hi Chris! I noticed your comment on her blog!! You know, I just sent an email to her. In my inbox this morning was an update from SplitCoastStampers and guess who the feature tutorial was and with which card... BETH RUSH and her Flip Flap Card. That's just so funny!

      I'll be making more of these for sure. May even make it my swap card (shh.. don't tell).

      Happy Wednesday!

  2. I noticed a bunch of the flip flap cards on our Pals facebook site too. I haven't looked at SplitCoastStampers in ages.

    1. I rarely look at Splitcoast any more, but when a tutorial comes up, I usually get an email. It was just so funny to have it be the same day!

  3. Love this card and it is so creative, as usual. thanks again for all you share. GlendaJ

    1. Hi Glenda! Thank you. Isn't it just adorable and so perfect for the Turtle!


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