Sunday, July 14, 2019

June Paper Pumpkin

Friday night during my Stack a Stash event, while the girls worked on their cards, I worked on my June Paper Pumpkin.  Oh my goodness, these little cards are so adorable!  They are a perfect small size to keep with you and hand out whenever you need them.

I wish I'd had them with me Saturday night when we went out for pizza.  There were a couple of police officers that came in for a late dinner while we were still there just visiting.  I would have loved to have given them one, just to say Thank You for keeping us safe.  Instead... and this was a better idea I think now... we ordered a Canoli for each of them!  They were way too skinny and needed something sweet!  Normally, we would have kept it completely anonymous, but we were the only other people in that part of the restaurant and I believe they knew it was us and I did want to thank them.  So we went by their table as we left and told them thank you and to please stay safe.  According to Megan, our favorite server there, they come in all the time.

Aren't these cute!?

It even comes with a cute little plastic like pouch to carry them around and keep them safe from damage.

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. I have passed a bunch out but still have supplies to make more or alternatives. Even Teddy got into the act and gave out some. One was to the dog bakery thanking them for treats and water put out daily for him to enjoy while on a walk. They are also moving to another location so he could wish them well until they reopen. I put some paw prints in the sand. He also gave one to a city worker who works so darn hard to make the flowers look so nice all the time. She goes way beyond her duties and in this heat, I don't see how she stands it. She also pets Ted and gives him a drink from the hose sometimes while she is watering the flowers. Of course his favorite mail lady received one too for all the treats she gives him etc. esp. since it is against regulations for her to even pet him.

    I had a good time making them. I like that you gave the police men the desserts though! I made the Feb. PP kits with lots of refills for all the police, fire, and ambulance crews filled with little treats.

    Good job!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Thank you for you comments Chris! I've missed hearing from you.

      Teddy is so good to be so sweet to all of those people who help him through his day.

      There are a lot of people that work outside here and I just don't know how they manage in this heat. We're in the 110-115 range this week and even though it's a "dry" heat, it's still miserable outside!


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