Monday, September 23, 2019

Cozy Craft Retreat

Oh my goodness, we had the BEST weekend of crafting and fun.  I can't tell you enough how much fun it is to be part of a team such as ours.  SO. MUCH. FUN!

Join my team and next year you can attend with us!  It's more fun as a demonstrator!  

This was just one of the classes I signed up for and I just wanted to share it first because it is so awesome!

Thank you to Gina S. for creating this project and for making the amazing "Keurig" machine that goes in the middle.  She had the "coffee tank gauge" (upper left corner) and the bag of coffee beans (lower right corner) premade for us.

This fits into a 12" x 12" shadow box frame.  Thank you to Linda W. for picking up an extra frame for me.  I love it!

We had the chance to order matching Cozy Craft Retreat shirts.  Here we are showing off our shirts.

Here is the room before we all arrived.  We all got these wonderful bags that held our project kits and extra supplies.  So Nice!

Here's mine!  Thank you Lorri - this weekend was so much fun!

Thank you for looking in today.  Come back for more photos and projects we made.

~ Happy Monday!



  1. Oh wow, looks like it was a great time. The bag alone would have been great but the little name "tag" for it completes it. Then, that sampler is just the greatest and I don't even drink coffee! So glad you had a great time!

    1. Oh Chris it was SO MUCH FUN! I can't get over all the great things we made and took home with us. I'm going to need more space for all the fun displays!

      Good to hear from you again! I miss seeing your posts!

  2. Have had internet problems. A ground squirrel/chipmunk I think had nibbled on the wires and the wind would knock it out for half the day every day but not at the same time. No idea why but that is what the technician figured out. Plus some other problems.....but all is good for now!


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