Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy 18th Birthday Meghan

On Tuesday, the sweet young lady that we have grown so close to at our favorite pizza place, Venezia's on Tatum, will be turning 18.  So of course I had to make her a special card. 

I pulled out the Beautiful You set - which is perfect as she's going to a Military Ball soon and I thought a card with a dancing happy girl was perfect!

Inside I used the sentiment from Beautiful Friendship and then added the "18th" using Make a Difference stamp set.

Thank you for looking in today!  Happy Monday!

~ Donna

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  1. Love the polka dot dress to go with the card. I am sure she will love it! You are so thoughtful.

    1. Thanks Chris! I just love the polka dots! She's such a sweet gal with a great attitude and big ambition. I know she'll go very far!


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