Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 Mini Catalog and Sale-a-bration is LIVE!

Earn Sale-a-Bration gifts for each purchase $50 / or $100 (before shipping and tax).  Some selections require a $50 purchase and bigger selections require a $100 purchase.  

CLICK HERE to view!  You can also see the link in the right side bar on my blog.

Trimmer blades for the new Paper Trimmer are now available!  The pack includes 4 blades for $12.50 and the item number is 152391.  Find it on page 45 of your 2020 Mini catalog!  Need a catalog?  Send me a quick email and I'll get one in the mail to you!

Use the January Hostess Code (DYXDZVFR) with your $50.00 order and receive an additional gift directly from me.

Thank you for looking in today.  I look forward to hearing from you!

See below for the bundles available in the Mini Catalog.

~ Donna

Product List

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