Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Last Day For Sale-a-Bration

I'm always sad when Sale-a-bration ends... it means no more playing with my favorite free stamps, at least for posting purposes, but I know there are several I'll still be using for a while.

If there are any last minute items you want that you didn't get a chance to snag from Sale-a-bration, be sure to look through the catalogs in the right hand column of my blog.

Thankfully it is NOT the end of the Spring Mini Catalog yet, so I still have time to play and plan some fun cards from the sets there.   Plenty to keep busy with before the end of the Mini and Annual Catalogs June 2nd.  It will be here before we know it!

Click below to shop the Mini-Catalog:

Working from home has it's advantages and it seems I'll be doing that for at least another month with the Arizona Governor has signed a proclamation asking everyone to Shelter in Place and stay at home as much as possible.  Get outside and get fresh air, but limit going to the store or where there are other people.  

The advantage is, I can stamp and craft on my lunch time by simply turning from my desk to my dining table (aka craft table).  It's wonderful!  Sleeping in is kind of nice too.  Sleep until 7 a.m. (which is when I usually leave for the office), grab a shower, coffee and some breakfast and sit down in my clean jammies at my laptop to take on the day!

How are you handling all the craziness of the world today?  More time for movies, games with the family or kids and grandkids?  More crafting?  Tell me how you're doing and what you're doing to stay inspired!

Thank you for all your support in good times and in bad times.  I appreciate you all!

~ Donna

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