Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Stampin' Up! Day of Service!

Check out Sara Douglass' (Stampin' Up!'s CEO) page for Day of Service event.

On Tuesday, May 19th (today) - Sara Douglass will be hosting a live video on her Stampin’ Up! CEO Facebook account on Tuesday, May 19 around 1:00 pm (AZ time). This is not an official announcement of anything—Sara just wants to check in and see how things are going with a few thousand people she really likes.

Then on Thursday - Are you ready for the Day of Service this coming 1:00 p.m. Thursday (AZ Time)
Here’s what to do!

1. Watch Sara's videos
2. Gather supplies
3. Download the attached file from Sara's page?
5. Purchase and print the Share Sunshine COVID-19 Giveback digital file? (you can buy it here: https://covid19.stampinup.com/products/giving-back-us-ca)

It should be fun!

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