Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finally, Some Rain

Don't you just love it when all the weather forecasters call for dryer weather and not a chance of storms and then the sky turns thick with clouds, lightning and thunder?  So, I've decided I prefer it when they say no rain, because you can almost count on it raining, right? 

We didn't get much rain, but at least it was something.  More of a light and sound show than anything, but the driveway did get a little rain and it smelled nice.  Maybe tomorrow we'll get some more.  I love the Monsoon's but it seems more like a Nonsoon this year.

Here's just a couple of quick cards to share tonight.  Both cards were made by a couple of the girls in our stamping group.  I think they both came out beautifully!


  1. Nice cards! Jean P is a lucky lady!

  2. Yes she is and we're lucky to be able to work with her!!

  3. I think I am going to have to get that set Berta used (the pennants one) and I love the colors! Cherry cobbler is my fav of the year!!!!

  4. The stamp set Kristi used is one of my favorites!..... I love the flowers.

  5. Very nice Ladies! Love the stamps chosen and colors used :)


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