Saturday, August 6, 2011

Working On Swaps

Got a good start on making swaps today for Regional in Henderson, Nevada later this month.  Linda will be going with me to Regional - or rather, I'm going with her since she's driving.  We're both going to make swaps for trading and today we got the first one done and a good start on the other one.  Next Saturday we'll finish up the other one and be all ready to go.

This will be my first SU even and I'm really excited about going.  I didn't make it to Convention last month, so for me, this will be a Mini-Convention.

I'll post pictures tomorrow ... maybe of our swap and maybe of something else.  (hint... I received my pre-order yesterday of items from the Holiday Mini and I'm excited about playing with them).

Happy Stamping With Others!


  1. Hi! I had a great time yesterday! Looking forward to the Stamp A Stack and next Saturday. I am now an expert in brads and string. Thank goodness there weren't any bows!

  2. I had a great time too! I think our cards came out really nice. Stamp a Stack and finishing our Swaps next weekend with both be fun. (wonder how we can add a bow to those cards? LOL)

  3. have a great time you two!!!!
    please take pictures ; )


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