Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thank You Times Two

So, you remember the card I posted last night, well, it's been made one step better by Linda today when she came over to finish working on swaps.  When I showed her my card I told her that I'd seen others with ribbon weaved through the Lace Ribbon, but since I'd made that card at 11 p.m. I didn't think about it.  We looked through the ribbons and found Old Olive and it was perfect!  Linda decided to make one with the ribbon and you can see them here.

Here you can see both cards side by side and I love it with the ribbon.

Here are our swaps for Regional.  You should be able to click on the picture to make it bigger.  You'll notice on the Halloween card there is a bit of bling on the corners.  Not the bling you're used to I'm sure.  We used Rhinestone Jewels (119246) and then rubbed the Black StazOn ink pad over the jewels to make them dark.  They still have a nice shine too them but no longer look silver.

Here we have 40 of each cardfronts for swap.

Thanks for peeking in today.  Have a great weekend and make something pretty this weekend!

~ Donna


  1. Yay! I had lots of fun! I'm glad we got everything done early. Can't wait for our road trip!

  2. I forgot to mention that I couldn't have come up with the ribbon without Donna's comment and her already existing card! I do love the contrast though!

  3. I love the way it came out Linda. Now I know how to get you to use ribbon without having to make a bow! LOL

  4. WTG with that Ribbon Linda!!! Love the color contrast!!! :)

  5. I had never thought of coloring the rhinestones! Oh the possibilities! I bet you can even do it with sharpees!! :)

  6. Hey Kelly! Good to see you!

    We actually tried it with a Sharpie, but it still rubbed off. The StazOn did what it says... it Stayed On... lol

  7. Ok... I stand corrected on the Sharpie... lol. I was watching a video just now from one of my favorite bloggers and demo's Mary Fish from Tucson and she just colored the Rhinestones with a red sharpie! I guess I shall have to try it again... LOL

  8. love them!! you are going to have a blast at SU Regionals this week!!!


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