Monday, August 15, 2011

Watch Your Mailbox!

Keep a close eye on your mailbox.  If you're on my mailing list you should be receiving your Holiday Mini very soon, if not already.  I know a couple of people received their Mini in the mail today and on Saturday.

This is what you're watching for (no links to the inside yet... but here's the cover to be expecting!). 

You're going to LOVE some of the great new things in there!!  I know I do!  Beginning September 1st you can begin ordering and getting ready for the Holidays.

Get ready for some great new toys to play with... tell me your favorite when you receive your mail!

~ Donna


  1. You live so far out, it's no wonder... :) I bet it arrives today, if not, I have a spare one you can have.

  2. I got mine on Monday.... I have already made my list and have looked at it over and over again.


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