Sunday, June 24, 2012

Brittney's Workshop

Saturday we had a great gathering for Brittney's workshop.  I'd say it was very successful and Brittney's friends helped her reach her goal of earning a Big Shot Die-Cutting Machine!  Woo Hoo!  Thanks ladies, it was great having you over to the house for some stamping fun.

Above we have (l - r around the table) Brittney, Berta, Kristi and Mary.  They all know when I have my camera anymore and won't look up... I'm going to have to get creative.

Here we have (l-r again) Marie, Barbie, Mary and Melanie.  This was Melanie's first time at a workshop!

Can you say Wish List?  This one is pretty big and it even goes over to the back side!

And last but not least, Brittney' furbaby, Maggie.  Brit couldn't move without the white one following her everywhere!  She's a good dog though and makes a good foot warmer in the winter.

Today's projects are below.  We made the card on the right with Chocolate Chip rather than the one with Rich Razzleberry.  I like them both though.

We also made this adorable baby bottle card.  I posted this in an early blog post, but wanted to post it here too as today's project.

Thanks for looking in.  Hope you had a fabulous weekend.

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. So cute! And that black & white card is simply gorgeous!

    Congrats on the Big Shot, Brittney! Hope you love yours as much as I love mine :)


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