Sunday, September 30, 2012

Top Note Gift Card Holder

This is a fast and easy way to make a card to hold a Gift Card for birthdays, Christmas, any occassion, just adjust the paper and stamps to be what you what it to be!  Today's card style comes from Kelly Gettelfinger.  Thanks Kelly!

Start with a piece of cardstock measuring 4 1/2" x 11" - which means you can get two from one piece of cardstock - Yay!

Score the cardstock at 4 1/2", 5 1/2" and 6 1/2".  Accordion fold the scored card stock.

Place on the Top Note Die so that the folded areas miss the perforated and the straight blades.  Run through the Big Shot Machine.

Add a "slit" in the center fold where the gift card will go using your craft blade or your paper trimmer.  I had the best luck just using my scissors and cutting a small area (credit card size) that would hold the gift card.  Some samples I've seen use a punch to make the opening, but since you would be punching through 2 pieces of cardstock, I don't recommend it so it won't damage your punch.

Add adhesive to the "spine" portion in the center fold (from the outside edge of the card).  Be sure to leave room for your gift card to slide in before hitting the adhered area.

Decorate your card to suit the occasion.

Thank you for looking in!  Have a wonderful Sunday!

~ Donna


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