Monday, October 1, 2012

Howl-o-ween Printer's Tray Project

Can you believe it's OCTOBER already??  It just doesn't seem possible!

Recently there was a promotion where recruits could receive the awesome Howl-o-ween Printer's Tray Project for joining Stampin' Up!  When Brittney joined under me, it was July, but apparently I misunderstood and the tray was available for July Recruits as well.  ANYWAY, Brittney received one free for being a Recruit and then shortly after that, they made the trays available (while supplies last, of course) for Demos to use as class projects.

I put one together Sunday and it was so fun and easy!!  The gray dotted area is supposed to have a picture, but I couldn't find any Halloween Pictures without a lot of digging, so I put some of our DSP in there for now.

This was really a cute project.  I can see me making it over and over for different holidays.  I attached the DSP to the tray with Dotto so I could pull it out easily and create the next one.

Thanks for peeking in.  Have a great week!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! I've always wanted to create something fun & special using a printer's tray. Your idea of using a temp adhesive is a great one so you can change it up for each season or holiday. Cool!


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