Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

Here is another Easter Card I worked on this past weekend.  This one will be going to a young man who just moved to Kentucky with his Mom and Dad.  It will be his first Easter where there could actually be beautiful green grass to hunt the eggs.  Unless it snows again, that is!  From dry Arizona desert to beautiful seasons!

You can find instructions for using the Elegant Butterfly for making the Bunny Ears HERE from my Easter Bunny Mini-Cups.

The next two cards are Linda's rendition of my card.  She had some great old DSP with clouds on it so she used it for the background (don't tell her the clouds are upside down on the boy card though... *wink*).

The zig zag watercolor wonder DSP is just perfect for an Easter Egg, don't you think?  So cute!

She'll be sending these to her niece's and nephews.

Thank you for looking in today.  If you have any last minute bunny cards to make, these are fast and easy and I hope you'll enjoy making them as much as we did!

Happy Hump Day!

~ Donna

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