Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day Remembrance

Today is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, so in honor of those brave Soldiers, I have a little patriotic thank you card.
If your parents are still living... take the time to learn all you can from them before they're gone.  In my case, I need to sit down with my brother.  Being 11 years older than me, and being a boy, he knows more about Dad's military service and he has all the memorabilia.  I know that my brother had Dad's name placed on a memorial at Normandy, but I need to get the details.
With all the programs these last couple of weeks about Normandy Beach, I'm even more curious where Dad was. 
Anyway, on to the cards.  Quick and easy too and can be used for so many things.  They would make wonderful Any Soldier Cards for Operation Write Home.

Thank you for looking in today.  Be sure to thank a Veteran for all they've done for our Country.

For your convenience, just click on any of the pictures below and you can shop online: 


  1. Great minds think alike! I have one almost exactly like this sitting on my desk ready for my even tomorrow!! Waaahooo!!!! Love your work Donna, and I MISS YOU!

    1. This set is so versatile! I love all the things we can do with it. I've seen lots of variations making a flag and knew I wanted to try it myself for today.

      I MISS YOU TOO! Can't wait until we can stamp together again. Looking forward to our next team meeting!


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